Don’t Wait for Gait! Therapeutic Evaluation and Treatment of Pediatric Gait


Liesa M. Ritchie, PT, DPT, PCS

12 Contact Hours

Cost: $375.00

This course clearly explains the significant components of evaluation and treatment of pediatric gait, in a clinically relevant manner. Flaws of a “wait and see” approach will be discussed, while supporting proactive and preventive intervention with proposed methods for deliberate, realistic and effective intervention for pediatric gait. The increased prevalence of developmental delay will be considered, with proposed etiologies, assessment of pre-gait skill performance, related orthopedic consequences and the future effects of this diagnosis on postural control and ambulation. Neuroplasticity, and the opportunities it provides for therapists, is explained. Orthopedic development is presented as it concerns appropriate development of an adequate base of support and assessment of the pediatric lower quarter. In summary, participants will leave with skills and treatment tools to immediately put into practice.

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Learning Objectives
Participants completing this course will be able to:

  1. Explain the effects of delayed ambulation
  2. Describe the benefits of proactive and preventive intervention for pediatric gait
  3. Consider principles of neuroplasticity when considering intervention to increase mobility
  4. Apply a segmental approach to assessment of the pediatric lower quarter
  5. Understand the principles of orthopedic development as related to performance of pediatric gait
  6. Utilize pediatric lower extremity and foot anatomy assessments to determine appropriate interventions

Target Audience


Course Level 



Liesa M. Ritchie, PT, DPT, PCS, CKTP

Liesa M. Ritchie, PT, DPT, PCS, CKTP is a licensed physical therapist with 30 years experience in the field of pediatric therapy. She is owner of Know to Change, which was created for the purpose of educating health care professionals, both nationally and internationally, in advanced treatment techniques, specialized practical training and consultative services. Her wide range of clinical experience, organizational leadership, and proficient teaching skills make her an exciting and compelling instructor! 

Liesa receives a speaking fee for the presentation. Liesa has no relevant non-financial relationships to disclose.


Day 1

8:00 – 10:00 am • Foundational skills for movement
• Delayed ambulation and sensory motor performance, peer and social
interaction, cognitive function and activity participation
• Developmental delay: etiology and consequences

10:00 – 10:15 – Break

10:15 – 11:30 – • Foundational skills for movement
• Delayed ambulation and sensory motor performance, peer and social
interaction, cognitive function and activity participation
• Developmental delay: etiology and consequences cont.

11:30 -12:15pm – Lunch

12:15 – 2:15 • The developmental process of gait
• Ages and developmental stages
• The pre-gait process

2:15 – 2:30 – Q & A

3:00 – End

Day 2

8:00 – 10:00am • Interventions effective in facilitating and improving pediatric gait:
• Garment therapy
• Orthotics
• Therapeutic taping
• Therapeutic activities

10:00 – 10:15 – Break

10:15 – 11:30 – Interventions effective in facilitating and improving pediatric gait:
• Garment therapy
• Orthotics
• Therapeutic taping
• Therapeutic activities

11:30 – 12:15pm – Lunch

12:15 – 1:15 • Orthopedic pediatric lower extremity foot anatomy and function
• The consequences of misalignment and associated dysfunction
Manual assessment and relevance of findings to gait:
• Hip rotation
• Ryder’s Test
• Sacral angle
• Thigh-foot angle
• Relaxed calcaneal stance
• Dorsiflexion
• Inversion, inversion and subtalar neutral
• Forefoot adductus

1:15 – 3:00 • Case Study Analysis


Educational Credits

12 contact hours

Approved for 12 contact hours by NYSED’s State Board for PT.

Application has been approved by NJBPTE for CE credit approval. Approval #2208‐118.