Early Bird

LIVE Webinar: Waiting to Exhale: Optimizing the diaphragm to support emotional regulation, anxiety and postural control


Instructor: Shelley Mannell, BSc, BHScPT
Date: Monday, March 24, 2025
Time: 8:00 am – 3:00 pm EST

Early Bird: $225.00*
Regular: $250.00 USD
Early registration must be received by March 10, 2025. Group discounts are also available!

Course Overview

The nature of pediatric rehabilitation has shifted significantly over the past decade. Many clients now present with a combination of sensory processing challenges, emotional regulation difficulties, postural control issues, and motor deficits.

This one-day course explores the critical interconnections between anxiety, emotional regulation, and postural control, emphasizing the role of emotional regulation as a foundation for learning new skills. Participants will delve into the neurology, chemistry, and anatomy of respiration as a basis for examining breath mechanics, alignment, and their impact on anxiety and emotional regulation.

An expanded assessment of respiration will be introduced, highlighting treatment options to improve function. Case presentations will demonstrate how breathing techniques can be integrated into the management of children with diverse sensory and motor challenges.

Shelley receives a speaking fee for her presentation. She has no relevant non-financial relationships to disclose.

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Learning Objectives
Participants completing this course will be able to:

1. Discuss the emotional regulation difficulties encountered by children with motor and sensory challenges and their impact on learning.
2. Explain the rationale of treatment of breath to address emotional regulation and postural control.
3. Compare typical and disordered breath mechanics and their impact on emotional arousal and postural control.
4. Identify the role of alignment in emotional regulation, mature postural control and learning.
5. Discuss the rationale behind different interventions to improve breath mechanics.
6. Understand the clinical application of these concepts through case studies.

Target Audience

Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists and Speech Language Pathologists

Course Level 


Instructional Methods

Lecture, slides and videos


Shelley Mannell, BSc, BHScPT

Shelley Mannell is a Physical Therapist with over 30 years experience serving babies, children and adolescents across a spectrum of neurological and developmental disabilities. She integrates a broad range of clinical skills and research to provide innovative neurobiology-informed treatment of children with movement disorders. Shelley founded HeartSpace Physical Therapy for Children in order to support clients and families as they matured through the lifespan.
Shelley began teaching as a clinical faculty member in the Faculty of Rehabilitation Science at McMaster University and remains committed to improving the care for children through clinical education and research. Shelley is certified in both Neuro-Developmental Treatment and Sensory Integration. She is also a certified children’s yoga and meditation facilitator and the co-creator of Dynamic Core for Kids, an evidence-based approach to central stability for children with motor and sensory challenges. Shelley also provides mentoring to therapists world-wide through her blog and her online program. As a respected international speaker, Shelley discusses the dynamic systems nature of the development of postural control and its application to assessment and intervention for children with sensory and motor challenges. www.heartspacept.com


LIVE On-Line Course

8:00 am – 3:00 pm EST

8:00 AM – Anxiety in children
8:30 – Typical development of emotional regulation
9:00 – Anxiety and learning
9:15 – Contemporary model of postural control – how many systems does anxiety impact?
10:00 – Break
10:15 – Research on postural control in client populations
10:45 – Recognizing anxiety
11:15  -Emotional regulation: primary interventions
11:45 – Lunch
12:30 PM – Anatomy of breathing
1:00 – Breath mechanics and autonomic nervous system function
1:30 – Supporting alignment to address breath mechanics for autonomic system function and postural control
2:15 – Breath interventions
2:30 – Case presentations
2:45 – Q & A
3:00 – End


Educational Credits

Successful completion of  Post-Test and Course Evaluation will be required to receive your Certificate and CEUs.

6 contact hours

Approved for 6 contact hours by NYSED’s State Board for PT.

Approved by NJBPTE for 6 contact hours.  Approval #2206-51


TSI is an AOTA Approved Provider of Professional Development. PD activity approval ID# 4365. This Live PD is offered at .6 CEU’s, Intermediate level, Domain of OT: OT Service Delivery.  AOTA does not endorse specific course content, products, or clinical procedures.

This course is offered for .6 ASHA CEUs (Intermediate level, Professional area).


Early Bird Discount

  • Early Registration: $225.00 USD
  • Regular Price: $250.00 USD
    Register by March 10, 2025, to qualify for the early rate.

Group Discount (Use code: GROUP3)

  • Early Registration: $212.94 USD per participant
  • Regular Price: $236.92 USD per participant
    To qualify for the group rate, ensure all participants register by March 10, 2025.

Important Instructions for Group Registration:

  • List the names of ALL participants in the Order Notes section during checkout.
  • Group registrations must be completed within 24 hours of the first registration if registering online, or enclosed in the same envelope if registering by mail.
  • Note: Registrations submitted after the group registration has been processed will not be eligible for the group discount.