Learning Objectives
Participants completing this course should be able to:
- Demonstrate a variety of integrative/rhythmic balance, auditory, vision exercises utilizing bean bags and paddle balls.
- Demonstrate understanding of how proper technique influences rhythm.
- Recognize their own and others motor pattern strengths and weaknesses and how to remediate them.
- Generate a plan to utilize strengths to remediate weaknesses.
- Determine their own innate dominance profile for comprehending their own areas (and student’s) of skill and challenge.
- Identify and assess a student’s crossing midline skills and apply targeted exercises for remediation.
- Generate a series of exercises using language based learning to develop sequential thinking skills.
- Demonstrate understanding of adaptations needed to modify to remediate a physical, emotional, cognitive disability.
Target Audience
PTs, OTs, SLP, and assistants, Teachers and other members of the educational team.
Course Level
Emily Eisen, M.Ed.
Emily Eisen is the Founder & Director of Brainworks Plus, a multigenerational Brain Body Fitness Educational Curriculum for The Empowered Student and The Lifelong Adult Learner. She is a Licensed Brain Gym® Instructor,Sanctioned Bal-A-Vis-X® Instructor, Total Immersion® Swimming Coach, Chi Walking® Coach, Language of Mastery® Instructor, Fine Artist, Actress and Singer-songwriter-piano composer. Emily’s specialty is working with pre-K elementary up through high school students in private or small group settings, as well as working with the Senior Citizen population, both active seniors, and physically/cognitively challenged seniors, in groups or individually.
Emily receives a speaking fee for the presentation. Emily has no relevant non-financial relationships to disclose.
8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
8:30 am – Introductions Get in P-A-C-E, (Brain Gym® – Positive, Active, Clear, Energized)
8:40 – Group Exercise: 1- Spider’s web 2-Popcorn
Meet your classmates, experience visual, auditory, non-verbal priorities, leadership roles and activate your focusing power
9:00 – Who is Bill Hubert? Why Cues? What is Bal-A-Vis-X?
9:15 – Brain Regions/Midlines/Midfields: “Neurons that fire together, wire together.” Exercises: Elevator (Assist and solo) and Flip the Pages, MIrror Neuron Exercise, Dominance Profile
9:40 – Demonstration of Partner HOH 1 and 2 Bags (4 steps) Practice
10:00 – Demonstration HOH 2 Bags with the Feet (5 steps) Practice
10:20 – HOH QUADS: Criss Cross and Circles
10:45 – VisTAR ball and Scale
11:00 – Demonstration of Partner 1 and 2 Ball exercises: Learn the 6 Ball Principles
11:15 – Partner exercises: 1 and 2 ball rectangle and oval, R & L—-Practice
11:45 – Individual exercises (in group circle) 1 ball heart bounce
V bounce, V bounce clap-over, V bounce clap behind
Academic Application Samples with Reading, Math
12:15 pm – Lunch
12:45 – Demonstration Bag Toss and partner practice 1 and 2 Bag rectangle and oval
1:15 – Individual Ball Exercises in lines: Puppet with Pause, 2 Ball clap-over,
2 ball behind, 2 ball bounce Academic Application Sample: syllable bounce (Pledge), QWERTY
1:45 – Demonstration of Partner Exercises: 2 balls between, 2X1, 2X2, 2x2x2 Demonstration of Partner ONE ARM: 1X1X1—— Practice
2:30 – Small Circle Exercises: Quads 1-2 ball criss cross and circles
Large Circle Closing Exercise
2:55-3:00 – End.
Educational Credits
Recognized by the NY State Education Department’s State Board for Physical Therapy as an approved provider of physical therapy and physical therapy assistant continuing education. Approved for 6 contact hours.
TSI is an AOTA Approved Provider of Professional Development. PD activity approval ID#05355. . This Live PD is offered at 6 contact hours or .6 CEUs, Intermediate level, Domain of OT: OT Service Delivery. AOTA does not endorse specific course content, products, or clinical procedures.
This course is offered for .6 ASHA CEUs (Intermediate level, Professional area).