Bal-A-Vis-X One Day Foundational Workshop


Emily Eisen, M.Ed.


Please email [email protected] to be added to the waitlist

Tuesday, December 17, 2024 – Garden City, NY 

Early $355.00* | Regular $370.00

*Early registration must be received by November 26, 2025.

Cost includes a take-home kit with bean bags, balls and instructional charts.
A $32.00 value!

Bal-A-Vis-X (BAVX) is an acronym for Balance, Auditory, Vision eXercises. BAVX is a remedial, therapeutic series of simple to complex rhythmic exercises using sand filled bean bags, racquet balls and balance boards. Using defined principles and techniques, individuals, partners and groups engage in physical, auditory, visual midline crossings that develop full body coordination, improved behavior and processing, and focused attention. It’s challenging. It’s school friendly. It’s brain based. And it’s just plain fun!


Registration is limited!

*No group discounts available*

Out of stock


Learning Objectives
Participants completing this course should be able to:

  • Demonstrate a variety of integrative/rhythmic balance, auditory, vision exercises utilizing bean bags and paddle balls.
  • Demonstrate understanding of how proper technique influences rhythm.
  • Recognize their own and others motor pattern strengths and weaknesses and how to remediate them.
  • Generate a plan to utilize strengths to remediate weaknesses.
  • Determine their own innate dominance profile for comprehending their own areas (and student’s) of skill and challenge.
  • Identify and assess a student’s crossing midline skills and apply targeted exercises for remediation.
  • Generate a series of exercises using language based learning to develop sequential thinking skills.
  • Demonstrate understanding of adaptations needed to modify to remediate a physical, emotional, cognitive disability.

Target Audience

PTs, OTs, SLP, and assistants, Teachers and other members of the educational team.

Course Level



Emily Eisen, M.Ed.

Emily Eisen is the Founder & Director of Brainworks Plus, a multigenerational Brain Body Fitness Educational Curriculum for The Empowered Student and The Lifelong Adult Learner. She is a Licensed Brain Gym® Instructor,Sanctioned Bal-A-Vis-X® Instructor, Total Immersion® Swimming Coach, Chi Walking® Coach, Language of Mastery® Instructor, Fine Artist, Actress and Singer-songwriter-piano composer. Emily’s specialty is working with pre-K elementary up through high school students in private or small group settings, as well as working with the Senior Citizen population, both active seniors, and physically/cognitively challenged seniors, in groups or individually.

Emily receives a speaking fee for the presentation. Emily has no relevant non-financial relationships to disclose.



8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

8:30 am – Introductions Get in P-A-C-E, (Brain Gym® – Positive, Active, Clear, Energized)

8:40 – Group Exercise: 1- Spider’s web 2-Popcorn
Meet your classmates, experience visual, auditory, non-verbal priorities, leadership roles and activate your focusing power

9:00 – Who is Bill Hubert? Why Cues? What is Bal-A-Vis-X?

9:15 – Brain Regions/Midlines/Midfields: “Neurons that fire together, wire together.” Exercises: Elevator (Assist and solo) and Flip the Pages, MIrror Neuron Exercise, Dominance Profile

9:40 – Demonstration of Partner HOH 1 and 2 Bags (4 steps) Practice

10:00 – Demonstration HOH 2 Bags with the Feet (5 steps) Practice

10:20 – HOH QUADS: Criss Cross and Circles

10:45 – VisTAR ball and Scale

11:00 – Demonstration of Partner 1 and 2 Ball exercises: Learn the 6 Ball Principles

11:15 – Partner exercises: 1 and 2 ball rectangle and oval, R & L—-Practice

11:45 – Individual exercises (in group circle) 1 ball heart bounce
V bounce, V bounce clap-over, V bounce clap behind
Academic Application Samples with Reading, Math

12:15 pm – Lunch

12:45 – Demonstration Bag Toss and partner practice 1 and 2 Bag rectangle and oval

1:15 – Individual Ball Exercises in lines: Puppet with Pause, 2 Ball clap-over,
2 ball behind, 2 ball bounce Academic Application Sample: syllable bounce (Pledge), QWERTY

1:45 – Demonstration of Partner Exercises: 2 balls between, 2X1, 2X2, 2x2x2 Demonstration of Partner ONE ARM: 1X1X1—— Practice

2:30 – Small Circle Exercises: Quads 1-2 ball criss cross and circles
Large Circle Closing Exercise

2:55-3:00 – End.


Educational Credits

Recognized by the NY State Education Department’s State Board for Physical Therapy as an approved provider of physical therapy and physical therapy assistant continuing education.  Approved for 6 contact hours.


TSI is an AOTA Approved Provider of Professional Development. PD activity approval ID#05355. . This Live PD is offered at 6 contact hours or .6 CEUs, Intermediate level, Domain of OT: OT Service Delivery. AOTA does not endorse specific course content, products, or clinical procedures.

This course is offered for .6 ASHA CEUs (Intermediate level, Professional area).


Early Bird Discount

  • Early Registration: $355.00 USD
  • Regular Price: $375.00 USD
    Register by November 26, 2024, to qualify for the early rate.


Hyatt Place Garden City
5 North Avenue
Garden City, NY 11530